Sunday, September 13, 2009

School and Strawberries

Henry started preschool. I can't believe it!!! It has been and answer to prayers! We wanted to send him but the $ is just tight at this time so I planned to teach him and having gone to school to do so, I thought it would all go well. I was ready and prepared but soon realized that being pregnant and then having a newborn and two year old and with my calling, there was no time. Besides, I think Henry was getting bored with just Mommy! :-) So, Dave and I started praying that something that was right for Henry and our pockets would come up and it did. In talking with another Primary Pres. she told me about the preschool that her kids do and how much she loves it and her kids love it and it is affordable. I looked at the curriculum and talked with the teacher who has been teaching preschool for years after teaching public school for years and has an amazing program, and knew it was the right thing. It just fell into our laps and with in 1 week Henry was signed up, had met the teacher, loved her, met his school mates, and started. On his first day he walked right in and looked back with a huge smile and waved as one of the most confident boys I had ever met. When I picked him up I asked how it went and he told me all about the day followed with the question, "Can I go back to school now?" Every morning he wakes up and watches the clock, asking if it is 9:15 yet, that is when we leave. He watches the numbers just counting down each min. My neighbor suggested I get a timer. I am so happy and excited to see him take this new step. I just can't believe that he is old enough to be starting school.

Jetta cried more on his first day than any body. I think she realized her buddy was gone and that she was not quite big enough yet. So I created a special time just for Jetta, "Mommy Time". We love our time together and as you can see from our first day it was quite the girly success! We painted our nails pretty pink and had a tea party with marshmallows, strawberries, and water. :-) We followed our bonding with a walk and some tricycle riding. She and I had a great time together and I am really looking forward to "Mommy Time" just with her, well until it gets interrupted by baby Peter.


maxfamclan said...

What a good mommy you are! It is hard to send your first because you know they are soooo ready, but you miss having them home for the younger! I hear ya! What a fun day it turned out to be though. And you are looking very cute too.

Nikki said...

I have so many comments...

Cute toes, Jetta! That's just adorable.

I love the name Peter for your baby!!! So cute!

I'm so glad you found an affordable preschool for Henry and that he is liking it!

And Melissa you look so good for being so far along!

McCall said...

i love all the pictures. they are both so big! and jetta has soo much hair. you look adorable! i can't wait for little peter to be here!

Susan said...

What fun. Who doesn't love time to themselves with their Mommy? When is baby Peter due again?