Monday, August 10, 2009

I am finally posting

So since the last time I posted, this summer has really been out of hand. Blogging has been on the bottom of my list. Sorry. My family has been bugging me for an update so here it goes.

Awesome cake by my cousin Chris Fitch who is a professional pastry chef

We celebrated a wedding, my sister Cami and Judd were married at the end of June, it was a fabulous wedding!! Thank you McCall for taking the photos that I was too burned out to take. Being pregnant and taking bridals really took it out of me. I am such a lame photographer! What photographer gets burned out of what they love to do?

We spent a lot of time on the boat, Henry and Jetta both got in and swam and went surffing behind the boat with Daddy's help. They are so brave, the first time my dad put me on a knee board behind a boat I was 6 or 7 and I screamed the entire time to bring me back in..... I was such a baby!!

We enjoyed the yearly Marshall rodeo in Oakley Utah and Henry and Jetta got all dressed in Cowboy apparel. This photo is some of the cousins at the BBQ. This is the first year since having kids that Dave and I got to sit through the entire rodeo with out interruptions. Quite the monumental moment!
My brother Miles has moved in with us for the summer. The kids love him and completely enjoy driving him bananas!!
We are working on potty training Jetta, so much fun! :-)
Henry has taught himself how to swim. He dives, swims quite the distance in the pool and has grown gills. I can never push that kid to do anything, when he is ready for something he puts his mind to it and accomplishes it. He is a lot like Dave!
I am up to my eyeballs in Primary and I am loving it. I am learning so much from this calling and I am quite humbled that I know nothing and have everything to learn.

Lately we have been to dinosaur ridge here in Denver, very cool for the locals here if you have never been. If you ever plan on visiting I recommend that you go and take the bus tour, you learn much more from the tour guides than walking it.

I took some senior portraits of a friend in the ward.
We celebrated our 6 year anniversary and yes, we are still in love!

This is a self portrait of Henry with shoes on his many toes. He is on a bridge, in the middle of a purple sky and brightly colored sun. And yes, he has on a shirt and shorts with underroos (what he calles underwear) that have been covered by the shorts. In every self portrait he has to be wearing underroos. It is probably one of the most important articles of clothing. :-) He and Jetta both have been drawing, drawing, drawing, and doing lots of side-walk-chalk. We have been using our imagination, and playing with sock puppets whose names are: mommy sock puppet, baby sock puppet and Henry sock puppet. Very original!

I certainly hope this is enough to fill my family's needs and I am sure this is more information than the rest of you wanted to know. Hope that things slow down a bit so I can update a more frequently.